I am a big fan of energy drinks. I drink them almost every day. 5-hour ENERGY is one of my favorites and they recently had a contest to find out how everyone likes to drink their 5-hour ENERGY Shots. We wanted to share with you what ideas won the 5-hour ENERGY “Yummification” video contest!
There were a total of 3 winners, so here we go!
First place received a whopping $50,000 prize! The First Place submission is called “Pomelimelade” and was submitted by Tim Merlau from Los Angeles, CA.
It sounds super simple and delicious! The video shows what can be accomplished in the 5 hours after drinking “Pomlimelade” and is a total winner. I guess that would be why he won the contest! Congrats Tim!
Second place was snagged by Mark Golembeski from Los Angeles, CA with his “Ramalamadingdong” submission and took home $30,000!
Mark’s video shows us how to turn that 2:30 frown upside down and shows us a clown, a puppy, a guy in a tutu and much more!
Zac Sheorn from Lugoff, SC won Third Place and $10,000 with his “Arnold Power” video.
I think this would probably be my favorite of the tree drinks! This drink stick to it’s name by showing us how it can help keep you refreshed so you can keep practicing, even if you are not good at sports.
You can find these videos and check out behind the scenes of the video productions here!
What do you think of the videos and 5-hour ENERGY? Let us know below! Be sure to tell us your favorite video and of course your favorite flavor of 5-hour ENERGY!
The 5-hour ENERGY® samples, gift card, and information have been provided by the makers of 5-hour ENERGY®.
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