Why Do Blogs Use SEO?

For the longest time here on Star Focal, we went without using SEO to promote our page. Why do you ask? Because I just didn’t know how to do it. SEO is a fairly complicated process and it’s very hard to figure out how to use it correctly. Why do we need SEO? SEO is what will help search engines like Google find us. Without SEO you get put to the bottom of the list when someone searches for something on our site.


Why does it matter that people can find us? We started this blog to make sure that you can make informed purchases of products. The more people view our site, the more potential reviews we can get.

Recently we started making sure all of our posts utilize SEO and I finally found a tool to help us figure it out. That tool is the Yoast Plug in for wordpress. If you have wordpress I highly suggest you get this plug in. Since having it my views have increased and is seems our page is now higher on Google.

Happy Blogging!

Citation: resellerblognews.com

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