Are you a visual learner?

I recently got out of school and I learned a few things about my learning techniques. I noticed that if I read things over and over or if I saw how to do something it would stick a lot longer then if I heard it, or even if I physically did it. This is true for a lot of us, we just don’t know it.

My teacher kept talking about how important it was to find what learning technique works best for us so that we would actually retain the information and it would stick with us for longer than just the test. It was a really great thought, I just wished that I had known it when I was in high school so that I would actually remember all the stuff I “learned there”!

Did you know that 65% of the population learns visually? That is just insane to me, but it would explain why so many of us will have problems with a teacher that talks all day vs one that shows us things. I always hated when a teacher would talk all day about things that had nothing to do with the class, or would constantly get angry when I was busy reading and not listening to what they were saying because I didn’t learn that way.

People retain about 50% more information when they see and hear something at the same time. So you will retain more of a book if you read it aloud vs reading it to yourself. Of course you may sound like an idiot in the process, but you will at least know what you have read! I hate sitting there reading something over and over again because for some reason my brain just did not want to listen!

How many of us will read something online but not care about it unless there is a video. I guess that would explain why Youtube is more popular than many other websites. I guess that I should start doing more video reviews for you guys! :)

What is your learning technique? Do you learn visually, physically or by hearing?

Infographic Source

**Disclaimer** This is a sponsored post from BlogSkinny, however all opinions are my own. If you would like to read my full disclaimer for reviews you can find it here.

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  1. While I do think your teacher is right about the importance of understanding how you learn, I would also like to add that most people learn in a variety of ways, even if one dominates over another. I had so many students when I was teaching who misunderstood the research about learning styles and assumed that listening to a Podcast or a lecture couldn’t help them in any way if they had been deemed as a “visual learner.” It’s so important to understand how you learn but also refrain from slapping a label on yourself as a learner.

    That said, I agree with what you said about the importance of teachers using a variety of methods to reach their students. Droning on and on for an hour is not going to teach many people! ;)
    Casey recently posted…Honey Banana Walnut Muffins (High in protein, iron, potassium, and fiber!) My Profile

  2. I think I am a visual learner. I know if I watch someone do something, I can learn it easier.
    Terry (My Journey With Candida) recently posted…Installing The Hydrocare DualPlexx Water Filtration System ~ No More Bathing In Water With Chlorine And Flouride My Profile

  3. I consider myself to be a visual learner. :)
    HilLesha recently posted…Vegetarian Doritos Taco Casserole #QuickFixCasseroles My Profile

  4. I learn in a variety of ways. I’ve taken these tests before. I have a combination learning style.

  5. Even in my classroom, I make sure that I provide a lot of opportunities for my students to have visual aids in the lesson for those who are visual learners.
    Tough Cookie Mommy recently posted…Reveal Your Unique Shade Of Beauty With Mia Mariu Cosmetics! @Mia_Mariu #Ad My Profile

  6. I am a visual learner for the most part.

  7. Yup,am definitely a visual learner.It’s easy to learn something through view for me I guess.
    Debarpan recently posted…Microsoft buying Nokia’s Phone Business My Profile

  8. I would say that I am a visual learner too.
    Paul Farrugia (globalhelpswap) recently posted…Volunteering with the Amazon Conservation Association My Profile

  9. I’m most definately a visual learner, but hubby can just read an all-text book and absorb the information near instantly.
    My son started school earlier this week – it’ll be interesting to see how he learns best so we can adapt his home work / home learning when at home
    Viccy H recently posted…Weight-loss Journey Update My Profile

  10. I am definitely a visual learner.
    Myrah – Coupon Mamacita recently posted…Dollar Tree Coupon Deals 9/15 My Profile

  11. I have never been much of a visual learner. I need to hear it, write it down myself and read it lots. My husband is super visual tho, whatever he sees stays in his head!
    Jutta@HungryLittleGirl recently posted…German Cheese Spatzle (Dumplings) My Profile

  12. I don’t believe I need a video to learn. In fact, I prefer audio over visual, but that is just me. I guess in an ideal setting, both would be the best.
    Pam recently posted…Are We Over Medicating Our Children? My Profile

  13. I am a HUGE visual learner! I struggle so badly with classroom lectures. And I hated the Physically involved projects we had to do. I’m not a hands on girl. I like to sit back and watch it happen. And then I can retain it much better!
    Amber Edwards recently posted…Canned Dill Pickle Recipe Homemade pickles for the shelf | Food Storage Series My Profile

  14. I am very visual. If I see it done, most likely I can repeat it. Also if I see a picture I can normally duplicate it. But I am hands on as well.
    Dawn ~ Spatulas On Parade recently posted…Black Forest Cake My Profile

  15. I am definitely a visual learner and my daughter is too. I need to be able to see it and read it myself to be able to retain the information. Just hearing something is never enough.

  16. I am mostly a hands on learner, but I do like to see the process as well!

  17. I’ve always been a read-it, learn-it kind of girl. My husband is a visual learner.
    Rosey recently posted…Wordless Wednesday (with linky) My Profile

  18. I think it is important to know your learning style. I am a hands on learner first and visual second. I am not one to hear something and grasp it right away I need to do it myself to learn it.
    Melinda Dunne recently posted…Gold-Plated Stainless Steel Cookware from Brylane Homes My Profile

  19. I learn great no matter what way but prefer audio over video. I also love reading so I guess I learn in a variety of ways. There’s no one perfect or right way I guess.
    Growing Up Madison recently posted…Citrus Lane September 2013 Toddler Box My Profile

  20. I am both! I can learn just as much maybe more by having someone solid to look at. It doesn’t have to be words, it’s just a block of whichever and I can put things together there. I also remember better when there’s something ( an object) to place the memory with.
    Melanie recently posted…Lunch Box Challenge day 18: Thai-Riffic Wrap My Profile

  21. I am most definitely a visual learner! I am able to process and retain significantly greater amounts of information by seeing, Although I enjoy reading for fun, anything technical is very difficult for me to grasp in a book.
    Jenny S.S. recently posted…3 Annoying Toys My Toddler Loves My Profile

  22. I learn best with the visual method for sure. I can recall something much more easily by how it looked too, like how and where words were positioned on a paper. Interesting stats on the types of learners as well!
    Kristen @ kristenione recently posted…Fall Bucket List My Profile

  23. I’m certainly a visual learner too…but Pinterest is my visual social media of choice :-)
    Stacy | Bobee recently posted…Bringing Home Baby: Learn to sleep with your newborn My Profile

  24. There are tons of ways to learn. Visual learning is my strong point. I space out while listening :0
    amanda recently posted…Update – Drying Cleaning a wedding dress after 6 years My Profile

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