I don’t know what I would do without my computer, or without access to Internet. That to me would be the real end of the world. We live in a place that often has power outages, whether it be the faulty wiring of this very old house, someone hitting a power line (happens WAY too often around here), or even just mother nature saying “Hello.” When our power goes out I am completely cut off from the world! No I am not exaggerating either! Everything is run through our Internet connection. Our phone is through the NetTALK Duo, we watch Hulu on our Playstation instead of cable, and I use my computer for texting online along with Facebook. It really has become a pain which is why I was so exited about reviewing this next product!

We received NetZero’s 4G Hotspot to review. I love this little device! You can carry it around in your pocket, or in your purse and can use it anywhere that there is service. It is very easy to set up so within a matter of minutes you could be on your way to your own WiFi! Of course you can use the offered WiFi at various locations like Starbucks, or McDonald’s but I know that I am always worried about what others can access from my computer by using these. With NetZero you can use your own WiFi so that you don’t have to worry about other people hacking into your computer via a shared connection. You could also use it for going on company trips, or really any occasion and with a 6 hour battery life there are endless possibilities!

Like I said before, I connect everything to my internet. I alone have my laptop, my tablet, my smartphone (that I use just for internet), and my Playstation. Luckily for me and all of you with large families and multiple devices, you can connect up to 8 devices to this hotspot!

As you can see, they have a rate plan for just about everyone. I just wish that they went higher in data allowance or even had an unlimited plan. Even so this is great for those of us that are on the go.
My main use for this product is when I go shopping. My phone is not currently connected, but can connect to WiFi. So I use it to send texts through an app, but if I cannot find a WiFi hotspot it is pretty much useless. Luckily when I have my NetZero Hotspot with me I can connect to it where ever there is service. I love how fast it is, and how easy it is to connect to. The Hotspot offers speeds of up to 10 Mbps for downloads and 1.5 Mbps for uploads
So whether you are looking for internet for your home, or internet while you are away from home you should really consider getting a NetZero Hotspot. Right now NetZero has a special for the holidays that gives you not only 50% off the device, but they are also offering your first month free! You can check out the details on their website here.
Want to win this device with service included? Enter our giveaway below!
Happy Holidays!
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**Disclaimer** I was in no way paid, or obligated to give a positive review, or a review at all for this company. If you would like to read my full disclaimer for reviews you can find it here.
I would use it for my laptop. I do like the new giveaway system.
I would use this for my laptop and PS3. I love the new giveaway system, I guess rafflecopter can get old and annoying when it doesn’t load.I missed out on a lot of giveaways because rafflecopter would not load for me.
I’m sorry that happened! Rafflecopter has been changing a lot recently and unfortunately it has its issues.. Giveaway tools seems to be much easier for everyone, and hopefully it stays that way
I would use this when I’m out of the house to feel like my information is more secure. My family would love it, too! I love the ease of the Giveaway Tools form, but I feel Rafflecopter is more ‘transparent’. But GT makes entering very smooth!
h4schaffer at gmail dot com
I really like both systems, so as long as I don’t have to make a comment for each entry, I’m good.
I’d use the hotspot with the family laptop when we are out and about
I would use it for when I take my laptop out the house — I can never connect anywhere but school & home! So I’d love this, as I’d be able to connect anywhere…
As for the entry form, I personally prefer Rafflecopter over this one.
Thanks for the chance!
I would use it for when I take my laptop out the house — I can never connect anywhere but school & home! So I’d love this, as I’d be able to connect anywhere…
As for the entry form, I personally prefer Rafflecopter over this one.
Thanks for the chance!
i would use it at work (in home care, overnights)
I would use all of the time!
I would use it at school because the internet is so slow there.
i would use it everywhere, especially on trips. I love the new giveaway system!
amanda sakovitz on rafflecopter
I would use it for when I go out and about with my laptop! I like this system! It is one of my favorites.
I’d use it for internet at home (fingers crossed that it would work). We live pretty far out in the country and only have two options for service at the moment. One is $80, the other is $120 and neither of them promises to work well inside my home since they are both “beemed” to us. Our cells don’t work inside and I can’t see the point in paying that price (and be locked into a contract) for internet that might not even work. Since I first heard about this I’ve wanted to try it for my house.
Btw, I LOVE giveaway tools!
I,would use it traveling and love the new system
I would use the NetZero Device for my Ipad and I like the new giveaway system.
rounder9834 @yahoo.com