It’s not often that we, as parents, can find a toy that not only is entertaining to our kids but also educational at the same time. That’s where MindWare toys comes in. Not only do they have great toys that are both parent and kid approved, but their toys also help educate, and stimulate your child’s mind.
We received MindWare’s Pattern Play Which is a board with 40 different blocks, and each color is a different size. The goal of the game is to make different patterns using the blocks. If also comes with a bag to place everything in, and even comes with little cards that have different designs that your child can try to duplicate.
While I knew my daughter would love this toy, I really had no idea how much. As soon as I took it out of the box she began tearing at the packaging. She started playing with the blocks before I could even get the plastic off of the box. Every day since we have gotten the Pattern Play she will point to it and beg for us to sit down and play. If I let her, she will play with it for hours!
My daughter is only 2 years old, and just turned 2, while this toy is for ages 3+. She may not be able to play with it like a 3 year old, or be able to really understand what your supposed to do with it, but she loves to hand me the blocks and loves to put them where she thinks they should go. Because of this game my daughter can not only recognize colors, but knows which colors are which and can now even say the names of each color. I knew that this toy would be a great tool to teach her these things and more, but I had no idea how fast it would help. It took a matter of days to understand it all!
One thing I suggest to anyone who owns this game, would be to put the blocks up when you or your child are not playing with it, and to make sure you keep track of all the blocks. Even just loosing one piece would make it difficult to make the patterns.
Our Pattern Play is definitely a game that will be around my house for a long time! I would highly recommend this toy to anyone looking for something different for their family that gets both themselves and their children thinking!
You can find this and other great MindWare games on their website here.
**Disclaimer** I was in no way paid, or obligated to give a positive review, or a review at all for this company. If you would like to read my full disclaimer for reviews you can find it here.
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