Garnier Pure Clean 2 in 1 Shampoo

Recently I received a sample of Garnier Pure clean 2 in 1 shampoo. Normally I really don’t like 2 in 1 shampoos. They really seem to mess with my already frizzy hair. Sadly this product was no different. When I tried it I also used conditioner just in case, but even with the conditioner my hair was still more frizzy then normal. The one really good thing that came from the product was how shinny my hair was after using it. It almost seemed to sparkle when under sunlight, which was a definite plus. Another thing that I really liked was the scent, it was not the typical garnier shampoo smell. not that I didn’t like the smell, but after a while it did get very old. Personally I will not use the product again, but for someone who doesn’t have overly frizzy hair and would like to cut their shower time down or keep things environmentally friendly this could definitely be a great product for you :)
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